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For development studios with a marketable video game title, Sherpa Games will identify best fit publishers, help develop pitch material, and expose your title to the appropriate audience. Sherpa Games will also negotiate and deliver a fair and mutually beneficial publishing agreement.



Sherpa Games will help identify your studio’s strengths and core competencies as well as understanding what really matters to the team and takes dead aim at driving business around those values. Sherpa takes a broader approach to understanding your studio’s needs and focus.



License holders of marketable IP or brands can earn revenue and broaden their reach by leveraging their existing brands within the interactive entertainment industry. Sherpa Games will help identify and prospect best fit publishers or developers for your particular IP.



Publishers can benefit from Sherpa Games’ growing list of developer clients and contacts, as well as assistance with studio scouting services.Sherpa Games offers value add services to the Game Publishing Community including:

  • Developer/publisher best fit match-making

  • Focus group testing

  • Talent scouting for work for hire or co-development work

  • Licensor introductions



Various organizations have employed Sherpa Games consulting services to target and identify opportunities in this growth market. Sherpa Games Inc. offers various forms of consulting services, including:

  • Overall feedback and opinion on marketability of your title to publishers, including suggestions on the title to enhance the interest from publishers.

  • Provide analytical data, including historical sales for similar type games and genre trends.

  • Provide an industry overview of the game market, with detailed analysis of applicability to various industry sectors.

  • Industry trends and movements.Introductions to key players in the industry.

Sherpa Games Inc.

© 2013 Sherpa Games Inc.

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